Here at The Landings we strive to provide the best care for our residents. Part of that great care includes a bright and fun-loving living environment. When stepping foot in The Landings, you will find happy residents and happy employees!
It’s people like Gabe Parker, Activities Director that make our work environment enjoyable for both residents and staff!
“I would say that my role here at The Landings could be described as the song ‘Captain of the U.S.S. FUN,’” says Parker. “I plan the activities like our Valentines Day Dances, fishing at our lake and our employee Minute to Win It games.”
If you take a tour of our community, you will most likely see Gabe laughing and joking with our residents.
Parker is a dedicated employee, always looking for new ways to create a fun environment for our residents. “We are always interested in hearing our residents’ ideas,” says Parker, “We have Resident Council Meetings and group fairs to make sure our residents are heard and that their ideas are put into practice!”
Parker is a Marion local and a SIUC graduate. At the young age of 21, Gabe opened his own gym, RAW Fitness. Gabe brings expertise in exercise and passion of health and fitness to The Landings through his group exercise programs.
“We have several exercise programs for our residents here,” says Parker, “Our walking groups and chair yoga programs have become very popular with our residents.”
Group balance exercises are some of Gabe’s favorite exercises to do with the residents.
“We start out in three groups,” says Gabe, “Our first group is our working group. We will use blocks at varying heights to do knee ups. All the exercises we do at The Landings can be done standing up or sitting down. At the same time, group two will hold pool noodles over their heads to strengthen their arms. Group three is our resting group.”
Group exercising is important at The Landings so our residents can engage with others while strengthening their bodies.
Parker is known for his sense of humor and works very hard to increase resident and employee morale. Gabe says if he were famous, he’d like to be known for encouraging people to understand that health and fitness can be reached with a little work! Gabe says, “It’s not a new trend, but one we are always striving for!”
We are thrilled to have Gabe working at The Landings and are excited to see what kind of fun adventures he will have us on next!
If you have more questions about activities or are interested in taking a tour of our community, please let us know here.